Let us introduce ourselves

Make a booking with Dom Master A…

So, you are ready to make your booking with Dom Master A huh?….. are you sure about that!?…

If you are, then I think there are a few important things that you need to know and be aware of first.

Making a booking with Master A

Making a booking with me is quite simple as I have tried my best to make the process as easy as possible.

I strongly advise reaching out to me for a chat via WhatsApp before you consider a booking with me so that we can get to know a bit more about each other and if we would actually be a good fit for one another.

Master As’ rules to make a booking

My requests are simple…

  • That you respect me enough to approach me with both manners and respect
  • You know what you want and what you are. looking from a professional male-dominant
  • You try your best to relax. I know it can be quite unnerving to be reaching out to a stranger via the internet, but I am extremely friendly
  • You must be a lady or contacting me on behalf of a female as I am 100% straight black male escort

If you have read fully through all of the above and you are still here & interested. Then you and I may just be the perfect fit.